Case Study

Cabinet Design Boutique from Utah finds the best Cabinet Architects for their never-ending needs

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Cabinet Vision Design from Backoffice Pro

Backoffice Pro (BOP) is a leading engineering service provider offering unparalleled cabinet vision design and drafting, casework and millwork design, and 3D modeling. We provide an outstanding outsourcing engagement model to suit all business types and meet critical project requirements at competitive rates.

Client Profile- Utah Based Cabinet Craftsman Boutique

Based out in Utah, the client is state-of-the-art in cabinet craftsmanship with a height of technical expertise. With 20 years of experience, the client is an expert in creating space for their clients that sublimes to make it feel like home bestowing the sense of luxury. Regardless of designing or installing a modular kitchen or custom bathroom, the client’s selection of materials like wood, beaded insets, classic lines, etc. and energy and system efficiencies, are unparalleled.

They take pride in their craftmanship relating to space planning, customized plans, design tips, drawings and renderings, and technical expertise.

Client Requirement: Cabinet Vision Architecture

The client wanted to partner with a company who could help share their loads on cabinet design layouts. They came to know about us online and collaborated with Backoffice Pro and got assistance in the design production and layout, 2D sketches, rendering, bidding, G-codes.




Software / Application

Cabinet Vision


15 days

Initial Challenging Areas in the Cabinet Vision Architecture Project

The major challenge in the project was the time constraint. Initially, it was very difficult to adopt all the unique construction methodologies in 15 days. Additionally, the hand-drawn sketches were also standing against us; however, with a team of senior consultants and their insights, we were able to overcome the challenge.

Backoffice Pro Solution for Cabinet Vision Architecture

We adhered to the requirements meticulously with the following steps:

The client shared hand-drawn sketches of the space, and we translated them into Cabinet Vision 2D drawings with the suggestions on new as well as existing electric ports, height, location of the cabinets.

Once we receive the confirmation on the design, we move forward to create the elevations and 3D designs and the relevant sections.

The next step was material scheduling for the cabinets and received the approval from the client.

We compiled the reports and production of cabinets were done using Cabinet Vision Software. The final .cvj files were shared with the client.

We also assisted the client in bidding procedure, creating the project proposal and budget, helped them in production and the G-codes.

With a team of 3 experts, we were able to achieve the expectation of the client.

Significant Benefits for the Client in the Cabinet Vision Architecture Project

It is noteworthy to mention that there is a huge scarcity of cabinet vision designers around the world. Therefore, the client is benefitted are all aspects in terms of cost, time and resources. Backoffice Pro provided dedicated cabinetry designers, full-time equivalents working on their time zones, thereby increasing their production with a decreased cost.

Being highly satisfied, the client has entered a long-term contract directing ongoing projects on cabinet design to BOP.

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Get Unmatched Cabinet Vision Designs for your Architectural Project

BOP casework and millwork engineers are highly skilled and experienced in cabinet design and drafting, drawing, and modeling complex cabinet requirements. Contact us to know about our cabinet design service in detail and how you can get the outsourcing benefit along with the services.

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