Case Study

An Online Animation Specialist from California Brings Freshness to Portraits with Humorous Animated Illustrations

Intro Image

Illustration Assistance at Backoffice Pro

Backoffice Pro (BOP) is one of the most renowned companies providing high-quality illustration services to design studios, animators, advertising companies, publishing houses, and more. We deliver our services at affordable prices supporting the end-to-end creative needs of companies across the world.

Meet the Client - An Online Animation Specialist from California

Based in California, the client is an online specialist in portrait manipulation. They have created a website specifically dedicated to creating cartoon versions of any provided photos, selfies, or portraits. Due to the humor in this venture, it has become quite popular over the years.

Objective of the Image Illustration

The client had a requirement to create a cartoon version of the selfies and portraits to popularize their website and business with exclusive photos.





2000 Images

Software / Application

Adobe Illustrator

Client’s Challenges with the Image Illustration

The client approached our team at Backoffice Pro with a project concerning some photos they had received that needed editing. Specific instruction guidelines were sent to us via email in a PDF format, and we were required to assist in making each portrait look like a Simpsons character. We were required to produce 100 illustrations a day at the peak point in the project.

Custom Support from BOP for Image Illustration

At Backoffice Pro, we pride ourselves on a professional approach backed by years of illustration expertise. We applied all of our acquired experience to ensure this project would be a success. After the initial meeting with the client, we started by logging onto their customized portal. We downloaded the images that needed to be edited and uploaded into Adobe Illustrator, and the changes were made.

Upon completing an image, we sent each file to the client for a quality and detail check and worked on any changes the client sent back. Once the project was completed, the client paid for our services.

Upon commencement of this project, the main challenge our team faced was due to the size of some of the provided photos. To tackle this issue, we divided these images up between a few of our team members and worked on the problem images first. This assisted us greatly as when we were done with this step, our progress increased, and we could move forward without any more problems.

Benefits In terms of In-time and High-quality Deliverables

We adopted a ‘client-first mentality, that help us to deliver the best outputs with high quality. We finished the work within the required timelines and 15 to 20 days and saved the client around 60% in costs. Our work was so successful that the client has requested for more projects to be handled by us in the future.

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Outsource Illustration Services to BOP to Get Creative Outputs

At Backoffice Pro, the highly creative design team offers the best illustration services to transform your idea into a reality. Contact us to understand our outsourcing process and discuss your project requirements.

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