Many people understand why companies use outsourcing to cut costs and save on administration as well. However, there are some not so common advantages of outsourcing as well; not all of them related to cost of projects. Below, you will find some of these listed. As the outsourcing market grows, an increasing number of employers discover the beneficial advantages of hiring agencies for finding freelancers.
Expertise diversity
When there is a project that requires special skills, but the skill profile of the employees does not match the work, there is a chance to get more customers through differentiating the company on the market. On the other hand, there is no need to employ somebody full-time with a certain expertise, if they are only needed for a couple of hours a week. It is easy to find people with a good level of experience on the internet, and the portfolio of freelancers and outsourcing agencies would provide a quality guarantee.
When employing an outsourcing agency, it is a bonus to have a great competition on the market. As all companies would like to keep customers for as long as they want to, they would ensure that workers are competent and deliver the work in time, according to the requirements. As the agency would directly pay the wages of workers, there is a quality assurance built in the contract. There is no need for checking deadlines and productivity of employees.
No need for a separate human resources department
Running a HR department with only a few part-time employees can seem like a bad idea, and indeed it is. The cost of the wages and operations would sooner or later take away all the profit. However, many small and medium size business owners have no time to deal with employees, recruitment, and wages, administration, and HR issues. By finding a reliable outsourcing agency, companies can cut the costs of operation and benefit from full control over projects.
Low running costs of departments
Setting up an employer account at one of the outsourcing agencies is usually free of charge. All the contracts and project details are handled by the company, and they provide the necessary background and skills checks, as well as the training for the employees. The employer is provided with ready-to-work freelancers, knowing exactly what is expected of them. Specifying the qualifications of desired workers takes much less time than checking the skills and providing an overview. The agency would handle all coaching, recruitment and payment issues.
Operations management advantages
It is easier to handle operations management issues when the timescale for each project and the available resources are standardized. Companies are able to determine how many people they need at a certain time of the day or on different days. Therefore, thanks to the flexibility and global scale of outsourcing companies, it is easy to handle urgent projects, prioritize tasks and increase productivity without increasing the cost of operations. Planning is made simpler and results are guaranteed, thanks to the agreement made between the outsourcing agency and the employer.
– BackOffice Pro